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Acupuncture Family Clinic

choose a natural way to care for your family

a moment of luxury for your body, mind and spirit

Albina Avigail


BSc(Hons) LicAc MBAcC FEA


About me

I am a qualified and registered acupuncture practitioner. Over 10 years of professional career I have obtained experience in working with patients of all ages and variety of different complaints.


My training began with extensive 4 years bachelors degree at College of Integrated Chinese Medicine under Kingston University, from which I have graduated in 2011. After my graduation I continue to undergo postgraduate training as part of my professional development.  The area of my expertise includes paediatrics, gynaecology and obstetrics. At the same time I welcome clients at my clinic with any physical or emotional complaints.


I have been closely working with a number of local Jewish charitable organisations, including:

~ Chai Cancer Care and Acheinu, helping clients with side effects of chemo/radio therapy and support them along the way. I have many years of experience in working with cancer clients and their families. 

~ Bonei Olam, helping and supporting couples through their fertility treatments, as well as helping to deal with their stress and anxiety levels.


I have always respected the ways of how natural medicine works and was brought up this way from early childhood. In my understanding holistic approach stimulates natural healing processes without side effects, and brings wellness and harmony to all the body functions.


I have discovered acupuncture when it helped me to recover and over come fertility and pregnancy problems. When western medicine had nothing to offer to help me, a friend of mine suggested to try acupuncture. I am happy I did, as it worked wonders for me. Since then I had a great interest in Chinese medicine and decided to become an acupuncturist. Now I am happy to offer this amazing therapy to anyone, as I see how strong and effective it is.


I am passionate about helping people achieve their health goals and use acupuncture as a tool to make people feel better in a short periods of time.

"When you touch one thing with deep awareness,
 you touch everything.

- Lao Tzu 

About me

Questions and Answers

How can acupuncture help me?
Why Acupuncture?

Acupuncture is based on Chinese medicine principles that have been researched and refined for over 2,000 years.

Acupuncture is widely used all over the world, as a stand alone treatment or in combination with other forms of medicine, and in the far east it is fully part of mainstream healthcare.

People of all ages can benefit from having acupuncture, including pregnant women and children. Acupuncture can be used effectively alongside conventional medicine.


How can acupuncture help me?

Acupuncture is considered to be beneficial for a wide range of conditions.

Whatever your particular problem, because treatment is designed to affect your whole body and not just your symptoms, you may notice other niggling complaints also get better with a course of treatment.

A growing body of evidence-based clinical research is discovering how the body responds to acupuncture and its benefits for a wide range of common health conditions. To find out more follow the link: Research Fact Sheets

What happens during the treatment?

I take a complete medical history, read your pulses, may examine the site of your symptoms and look at your tongue. Your individual treatment plan will be based on your state of health and lifestyle.

I will decide which combination of points is right for you and insert acupuncture needles to affect your whole body as well as your symptoms. You will be left to rest for a while before the needles are removed.

The single-use sterile needles come in sealed packs that should be opened in front of you and are safely disposed of after each treatment.

Who has acupuncture?

Many people have acupuncture to relieve specific aches and pains, such as osteoarthritis of the knee, headaches and low back pain, or for common health problems like an overactive bladder.

Other people choose acupuncture when their body systems are out of balance, even though they have no obvious diagnosis. Some choose to have regular treatment just because they find it beneficial and relaxing.

Pregnant women commonly use acupuncture for support throughout their pregnancy.

What do acupuncture needles feel like?

Acupuncture needles are so fine that most people don’t feel them being inserted. It is normal to feel a mild tingle or dull ache as your acupuncturist adjusts the needle. Many people feel deeply relaxed during the treatment.

How many treatments will I need?

Weekly sessions are quite usual to begin with, for perhaps five or six treatments, reducing in frequency as your body responds. I will suggest a treatment plan and advice how often you should come for treatment.

Does acupuncture work?

Evidence of acupuncture’s effectiveness is growing and researchers are finding new ways of measuring the body’s responses. To date the main focus of research has been on pain management. You can find out more about the latest acupuncture research at

Is acupuncture safe?

Definitive surveys in the UK and Germany concluded that when practised by properly trained qualified traditional acupuncturists such as BAcC members, the risk of serious adverse events from acupuncture is extremely low.

Sometimes a small bruise may appear when a needle is removed. Occasionally, people can feel dizzy or tired for a brief time after treatment.

Does NHS recommend acupuncture?

Acupuncture on the NHS is recommended by NICE (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) for migraines and headaches, and by the Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN) for chronic pain, including low back pain and knee pain.

Under General Medical Council guidelines, GPs may refer patients to practitioners listed on a Professional Standards Authority (PSA) accredited register. The BAcC is the accredited register for traditional acupuncture. The PSA recommends that the public only see practitioners on an accredited or statutory register, giving you the confidence you need.

Should my doctor know?

If you have been prescribed medication we recommend you tell your doctor that you plan to have acupuncture. Do not stop taking your medication. You should notify me about any medication and supplements you are taking.

BAcC acupuncturists are trained to recognise potentially serious underlying health conditions and will refer you to your GP if appropriate.



19B Linthorpe Road

London N16 5RE

United Kingdom


Tel: 0789 6143 960


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© 2018 by Albina Avigail Masteran 

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